One of my favorite little families!! This is Martin’s sister, brother-in-law and niece Celia! They wanted a family session before they welcome their second little beeb! This shoot was so fun for me because Celia & I are kind of obsessed with each other. She’s adorable and hilarious and loves shiny shoes, “hop hop”, her baby doll and playing “buttons”. Which is just going through Nana’s tin of buttons. It’s a blast, I swear.
However I’ve kind of trained her to run toward my camera so getting her to not do that the whole time was bit of a challenge. She also just wanted to sit next to me in the grass which is another difficult spot for me to photograph her from.
We were able to quickly get some really cute shots of them all together just having fun before she started going through the bag they brought and tossing the contents of dad’s wallet into the grass. There was also a lei in there so the rest of the photos had a bit of a “Moana” feel. But I love that movie so totally cool with me 🙂